
What is the difference between ethernet frame and ppp frame
What is the difference between ethernet frame and ppp frame

what is the difference between ethernet frame and ppp frame
  1. What is the difference between ethernet frame and ppp frame serial#
  2. What is the difference between ethernet frame and ppp frame mac#

A frame is consist of markers which depicts the start and end of the packet and addresses for sending and receiving.Ī particular example of a frame is the Ethernet frame.

What is the difference between ethernet frame and ppp frame serial#

In other words, serial ports require layer-3 configuration (at least a routing table entry) while Ethernet ports do not.The term frame originated from networking specifically communication over serial lines where sender “frames” the data which is a collection of bits by adding special characters before and after the transmitted data.Ī Frame can be defined as a data unit used in Data Link layer. by putting them in a common VLAN) but you can't do that with serial ports because there is no link-layer addressing between them. You can very well configure multiple Ethernet ports in the exact same way (esp. This allows for layer-2 point-to-multipoint connections and L2-processing/forwarding behind the immediate physical interface - essentially an L2-transparent connection between switches.

what is the difference between ethernet frame and ppp frame

What is the difference between ethernet frame and ppp frame mac#

While (modern) Ethernet is also point-to-point on the physical layer, Ethernet frames do require addressing - they carry a source and a destination MAC address for the data-link layer. Note that network (IP) packets still carry addresses but on a serial interface, the data-link layer barely exists and the frames themselves don't carry addresses. In addition to jonathanjo's answer: the main difference in usage is that serial connections are always point-to-point - a serial interface doesn't require any addressing, it is often "unnumbered".

what is the difference between ethernet frame and ppp frame

Speeds are in comparison very slow, ranging from about 300 bit/sec to about 115.2 kbit/sec With direct wired connections, these are usually up to a few tens of metres with modems these can be global. But you can also run packet communication over them, with PPP and similar protocols. Usually these are used for character-by-character communication, such as configuration. On a computer these would normally just be called "serial ports" as sync serial is extremely unusual on computers. Occasionally you see RS-422 for longer async lines, or 4-20 mA loops. The ordinary serial interfaces on Cisco routers are synchronous.Īdditionally there are also asynchronous serial lines, usually RS-232, such as are on the console and aux ports. In real life, you choose which you're using predominantly on distance and what kinds of links you have available in your locale. If the routers are adjacent, you can use whichever you like. In packet tracer, sometimes you use those links just because you have them. A leased line would typically be many kilometres. Serial links are normally X.21 and are principally designed for longer point-to-point networking, such as provided by a telephone company leased line, and are often around 64 kbit/sec, 2M bit/sec, 34 Mbit/sec (standards vary by country, distance and price). And as Zac reminded me - how could we forget? - ethernet is effectively a bus connecting many-to-many (and physically a bus topology in its older incarnations such as 10base2.) Ethernet is principally designed for local area networking, and runs at speeds of 10, 100, 1000 Mbit/sec and more, and normally is for links of up to about 100 metres, though you can go further with fibre or various kinds of extenders.

What is the difference between ethernet frame and ppp frame